Three Powerful Positive Thoughts of the Day | Gandhi Amit Ray and Dalai Lama

You can add values to your life in many ways. Here are three top positive quotes of the day. Positive thinking is the first step towards your success. This will definitely help you to make a difference in your approach to overcome the hurdles that come in the way.

Keep your thoughts positive because your thought become YOUR WORDS, BEHAVIOR, HABITS, VALUES, and DESTINY. — Mahatma Gandhi
- Keep your thoughts positive because your thought become YOUR WORDS, BEHAVIOR, HABITS, VALUES, and DESTINY. — Mahatma Gandhi

Mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world. — Amit Ray
2. Mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world. — Amit Ray

Anger come, go. Never keep in your sort of – your inner world, then create a lot of suspicion, a lot of distrust, a lot of negative things, more worry. — Dalai Lama
3. Anger come, go. Never keep in your sort of – your inner world, then create a lot of suspicion, a lot of distrust, a lot of negative things, more worry. — Dalai Lama