Random Acts of Kindness 2020 Resolution | Amit Ray Teachings

The common saying goes like “charity begins at home”, means you can do random acts of kindness at any time at any place. Compassion, empathy, kindness, benevolence, gentleness, tenderness are closely related terms about a deep feeling of sympathy for someone who is suffering. New Year Resolutions 2020 are going to be special. The New Year Resolutions are goals which people set at the beginning of each year and aim to achieve that. Here, we discussed 15 random acts of kindness.
“Compassion does not need any special preparation, place or time. You can start it anywhere and anytime.” — Amit Ray
Compassion does not need any special preparation, place or time. You can start it anywhere and anytime. — Amit Ray
Random Acts of Kindness:
- Send someone a handwritten thank you note.
- Say “I love you” to someone you love.
- Bring your assistant coffee.
- Don’t interrupt when someone is explaining herself.
- Bake cookies for a seniors center gathering.
- Put coins in someone else’s parking meter.
- Offer to walk someone’s dog.
- Send Flowers to Someone for no Reason
- Hold the Elevator Door
- Give your seat to someone else on the bus.
- Read a Book to an Elderly Person
- Donate the $5, that you would have spent on a latte, to a charity.
- Smile and say hello to someone on the street.
- Give someone a compliment.
- Let someone know that you are thinking about them.
“A seed cannot grow in stone. It requires fertile soil & water. Compassion is the soil where life grows”. — Amit Ray

A seed cannot grow in stone. It requires fertile soil & water. Compassion is the soil where life grows. — Amit Ray