Tag: Neuro-Epigenetic Scientific Meditation

Making a better world - A source of positive inspiration.

The scientific knowledge derived from genetics, epigenetics, and neuroscience, should be used to enhance the power of meditation and to eliminate the sufferings of humanity. - Amit Ray

Meditation Exosomes and Immune response | Amit Ray Teachings

Dr. Amit Ray invented seven protocols of personalized meditation techniques. They are known as Neuro-Epigenetic Scientific Meditation (NESM). They are driven by the genetic information, lifestyle practices and meditation techniques. Exosomes is associated with one such protocol of personalized meditation technique. Exosomes plays a critical role for healing psychological disorders. Exosomes are secreted from cells. They play important roles in cell-to-cell communication. Exosomes are the key vehicle to transfer genetic information.

Neuro-Epigenetic Scientific Meditation - Amit Ray Teachings

Neuro-Epigenetic Scientific Meditation | Amit Ray Teachings

Neuro-Epigenetic Scientific Meditation (NESM) of Sri Amit Ray classes are focused on removing the chronic stress, and  the toxic stress in a scientific way. This meditation therapy is invented by Dr. Amit Ray and Banani Ray, This novel meditation techniques cover the interaction of biological, psychological, spiritual and social factors in regulating the balance between health, diseases and total well-being. This is a personalized and holistic approach to bring balance in life.