Category: General

Making a better world - A source of positive inspiration.

Witnessing is the alchemy of enlightenment. Enlightenment is the moment when you are most alive and most compassionate. -- Amit Ray

Power of Witnessing | Amit Ray Teachings

Cultivating witnessing of thoughts and feelings is a powerful skill. I learnt active witnessing meditation form Sri Amit Ray. He teaches meditations through witnessing. It de-clutters the mind. It is a special path for spiritual enlightenment. The process of witnessing your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions becoming this inner awakening and it starts by sensing…
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Compassion Light of the soul AmitRay

Compassion the Light of the Soul | Amit Ray Teachings

Sri Amit Ray said “Compassion is the light of the soul. When compassion arises, darkness evaporates.” He said, “Compassion is an open love to all living beings. Compassion has no precondition. It is your spontaneous in born nature. Only it is covered by the fear of your amygdala. When we can eliminate some amount of…
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Quantum coherence in the ion channels of the neurons and the neural circuits in the brain creates our decisions, behaviors, and quantum cognition. -- Amit Ray

Quantum Mechanics Top 10 Amit Ray Quotes

Here, I have collected top ten quotes of Sri Amit Ray on quantum mechanics, quantum coherence, quantum entanglement, quantum consciousness, quantum biological process, and quantum machine learning. These quotes are collected from his books. Hope they will inspire you in the journey of exploring the mystery of nature, in the light of quantum physics.  …
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Random acts of kindness, however small it may be, can transform you and the world. -- Amit Ray

Random Acts of Kindness 2020 Resolution | Amit Ray Teachings

Compassion does not need any special preparation, place or time. You can start it anywhere and anytime. — Amit Ray. The common  saying goes like “charity begins at home”, means you should do random acts of kindness at any time at any place.

The scientific knowledge derived from genetics, epigenetics, and neuroscience, should be used to enhance the power of meditation and to eliminate the sufferings of humanity. - Amit Ray

Meditation Exosomes and Immune response | Amit Ray Teachings

Dr. Amit Ray invented seven protocols of personalized meditation techniques. They are known as Neuro-Epigenetic Scientific Meditation (NESM). They are driven by the genetic information, lifestyle practices and meditation techniques. Exosomes is associated with one such protocol of personalized meditation technique. Exosomes plays a critical role for healing psychological disorders. Exosomes are secreted from cells. They play important roles in cell-to-cell communication. Exosomes are the key vehicle to transfer genetic information.

Neuro-Epigenetic Scientific Meditation - Amit Ray Teachings

Neuro-Epigenetic Scientific Meditation | Amit Ray Teachings

Neuro-Epigenetic Scientific Meditation (NESM) of Sri Amit Ray classes are focused on removing the chronic stress, and  the toxic stress in a scientific way. This meditation therapy is invented by Dr. Amit Ray and Banani Ray, This novel meditation techniques cover the interaction of biological, psychological, spiritual and social factors in regulating the balance between health, diseases and total well-being. This is a personalized and holistic approach to bring balance in life.

Vagus Nerve Activation and Relaxation - Amit Ray quote

Vagus Nerve Activation for Stress Free Living | Amit Ray Teachings

If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath. – Amit Ray Proper activation of vagus Nerve can make you free from stress and anxiety. Vagus nerve branches out to your throat, lungs, heart and abdominal organs in your body. This nerve is a major player in…
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Mindful leadership keeps you cool and energetic in any situation, so that you can make the best possible decisions. -- Amit Ray

Leadership to Overcome Opposition | Amit Ray Teachings

When you fight for a noble cause and you know that you’re doing the right thing you’ll face the opposition. How to conquer the opponent? Sri Amit Ray always said, “Whenever you face opponent, conquer them with love.” As Einstein remarked, “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds”. The opposition may make everything…
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120 Best Compassion Quotes

120 Best Compassion Quotes and Inspiration

Love, compassion and kindness are never wasted. Looking for the best compassion quotes? We’ve compiled a list of top 120 quotes and inspirations about compassion and kindness to help inspire you. Top Compassion Quotes “Compassion has certain vibration – vibration that resonates with the cosmos.” – Amit Ray “If you want others to be happy,…
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Every day, bring some flowers to your life. Every day bring some blessings in someone’s life. -- Amit Ray

Five Top Mindful Self-compassion Exercises | Amit Ray Teachings

The ancient teachings of karuna (compassion) and ahimsa (non-violence) is more valid in the modern world. The compassion teachings of Sri Amit Ray towards human harmony, inner peace and wholeheartedness is well known throughout the world. Here, I discussed the top five popular Sri Amit Ray mindful self-compassion exercises and meditation techniques. They are: Compassionate…
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Do not live in the shadow of the masters for ever. Learn to live in the light of your soul. Life deserves full expression. -- Amit Ray

Light of your Soul – Amit Ray Quotes

Do not live in the shadow of the masters for ever. Learn to live in the light of your soul. Life deserves full expression. — Amit Ray

Discover your deep inner-self -- Amit Ray

Discover your deep inner-self – Amit Ray Quotes

I am deeply inspired by the life and teachings of Sri Amit Ray. Here, is one famous quote of Dr. Ray, about discovering your inner self – the field of all possibilities. I loved it.   Discover your deep inner-self and from that place spread love in every direction. — Amit Ray

12 chakras in human body

The Twelve Primary Chakras in Human Body

The 12 Primary Chakras in Human Body The 12 chakra system includes the 7 primary chakrs inside the body and 5 transpersonal chakras outside the body. The 7 primary chakras are the root (base), sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye (brow) and crown. The five additional chakras are transpersonal chakras, which  integrates the spiritual…
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Music of the Universes Amit Ray quotes

Music of the Universe – Amit Ray Quotes

I am deeply inspired by the life and teachings of Sri Amit Ray. Here, is one famous quote of Dr . Ray, about the music of the Universe. I loved it. There is a music of the universes in every heart. — Amit Ray